Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fire Alarm..

I was just sitting on my bed replying to the email when suddenly i hear a Buzzing sound.. What the hell... I was in my PJ's, took my car key and put some shoes open my door, Guess what i see and hear out loud by my door.. The freaking fire alarm.. Darn it, Got a fire in the hotel.. IT was irritating...

Anyways, I met my next room neighbour.. yup.. My co Worker.. I was wondering who stayed next door, They were so noisy.. found out it was my co-worker. He was drunk.. It was just funny, He went to work hung and was sleeping and talking funny.. I had my entertain for the day. I was laughing all day today and I just could not stop.

My new Quote is " I coming to you like a Spider Monkey".. and "Swing".. All I heard at work today is that. .. I am off to bed.. I still have my other entry for blog to finished too.

Till Later

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