Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Attending to my blog

I have not been blogging for a while.I have been lazy and tired all the time. Nothing new is going on here. I am still working out of town and I hate the drive. I wish I could find something closer to home.

At this time I really hate working where I am working at. It is just not the same like the way it used to be. Being home during the weekend is not something I want to do.. My hand still hurts and it is not healing.

I want to find something I could do that i am not far away..Well I guess, I will try my best to do my blog as often as i can..

Need to Make Mulah!

Working out of town is not making me any money. I spend more when I am out there. I am trying my best to find something to do to make extra money. What can I do? I am dead bored with nothing to do right now, sitting in a hotel just sitting doing a whole lot of nothing. I wish I could just sit on my ass and make money..

Just something for me to think and come up with...