Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hobbies.. are they still alive?

OMG! I am dead bored and looking for new Hobbies to do. Nowadays, hobbies consist of watching TV, Playing the X-box, Wii, or just sitting and lazying out.. I am not doing nothing now. No new hobbies, I need something new, something interesting to do and move around and not be a couch potato.

Are there anyone out there doing any cool hobbies that one might think that it is interesting.. Hmm Let me see, Knitting maybe.. Did it, didn't work out to well.. Not so good and doing knitting without someone teaching me how to do it personally. I did Cross-Stitch, it was fun for a time until i find it totally boring as hell. They say reading is a hobby, I find it a chore! Help need a hobby and to make sure that i don't get f*#$ bored with it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Romance or fiction.. Do people still read book in this day n age?

I am an avid book reader.. I read a book to sleep not for leisure. I do read both romance and fiction whenever I need to relax. I know that with today's technology, a lot of people read book online instead of buying the hard copy.

I like my hard copy as my work requires me to use computer and i don't think i could last reading more online book. After a while my eye just give up as it is very strain!!

In the recent days i have been reading alot romance book. My favorite is the Harliquin present books. I could read 'em like a magazine. I would probably go about 10 books in 5 days.. Hmm.. My addiction has cost me a pretty penny.

I got smart recently, i bought all my book from a thrift store which is cheaper and hoping that i could bookmooch it later for something else.. Well give me some opinion here.. tell me what is your best books and what you rather read?