Monday, July 20, 2009

Romance or fiction.. Do people still read book in this day n age?

I am an avid book reader.. I read a book to sleep not for leisure. I do read both romance and fiction whenever I need to relax. I know that with today's technology, a lot of people read book online instead of buying the hard copy.

I like my hard copy as my work requires me to use computer and i don't think i could last reading more online book. After a while my eye just give up as it is very strain!!

In the recent days i have been reading alot romance book. My favorite is the Harliquin present books. I could read 'em like a magazine. I would probably go about 10 books in 5 days.. Hmm.. My addiction has cost me a pretty penny.

I got smart recently, i bought all my book from a thrift store which is cheaper and hoping that i could bookmooch it later for something else.. Well give me some opinion here.. tell me what is your best books and what you rather read?

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