Monday, December 1, 2008

The Day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday!!)

BLACK FRIDAY is back. This year, I was just smart to let my sister buy some stuff for me. I did not want to wait in line with the other nuts to get items at a cheap price. For me waking up at 3 am in the morning was not part of my deal. I just thought that when I wake up I would just go and see if it is available. I said to myself , if its there then it is meant to be.

Anyways, I did go shopping that day. I went at about 10.30 am. parking wasn't that bad and there is still crowed in the store. I end up getting my bed sheet that I wanted and also the bullet grinder that could make smoothie.. (yummy.. I am going to gain a tone of weight now).

What I really wanted was the flat screen LCD TV. I just don't see the point to pay $299 for it right now when I have a TV that work fine.. I don't know if every knows that this year, Black Friday claimed a life at the walmart in new york.

I just don't understand, what is so important in that walmart store that people can stop and help the guy up. Just trample over him. I think those people should just burn in hell or just be jail for life.

Well that is just my thoughts...

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