Monday, March 22, 2010

Boring day at work..

Yes.. I am at work and doing nothing.. can you believe it. I thought I will just write something here. I am on the laptop, on facebook playing farmville. Darn, I should be doing work but my brain is on Vacation mode.

It is nice n sunny outside. which the day's are not to windy.. I never look forward to the drive down to Mankato, MN as I have to leave early at 4 am to get here by 7 am.. It is about 4.40 pm right now and we are currently working 12 hours days.. can't wait till it ends..

I am tired bored and waiting for the damn computer to get done plowing on farmville so that I could do more stuff.. Yeah, like I have more things to do.. All i want to do is go out and stay in the sun..

I think I am getting a headache from staring at the PC for a while here.. Might just go outside take some nice sunny Pict's and post it.. I don't know.. I am kind of lazy.. well here I go.. brb..
I am back with a picture of the nice beautiful sky.. Pretty nifty.. very very windy out there...
Well better get back to work before someone See's me doing my blog and decide that it would be fun to read everything i write in here.

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