Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Store on Etsy

I recenly open a store on etsy to sell homemade goods. If you know anyone who likes them please direct them to my store. Just remember that part of my sales goes towards a charity in the town I am from.

here is the website on etsy:

The store name is bricked.


thanks you all!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spayed Cat

Yesterday I had my cat Tiger spayed. She is not very happy with me. I don't have a lot of sleep and now the cat would not eat her medication. I just hope that she is going to be okay.

I found a nice vet that is about 40 minutes away from st cloud MN in Eden Valley MN. The vet is called Eden Valley Veterinarian. They are very cheap and Taking all my pets there is cheap. Their visit is cheaper then any places here in St Cloud and also that the Vet, she is very nice.

Tomorrow I have to make a nice phone call to the vet to asked about her medication. It is a very hard thing to see my sweet little kitty hurting and not feeling so well. She is my night time baby who sleep on my pillow by my head and purr me to sleep..

I am already missing her so much!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Starting a little company..

I am thinking about starting a little knitting business. Selling knitted items such as scarf, baby socks, mittens and dishcloth. I have been looking in the Internet and I guess the best place is Etsy. They only charge $0.20 per post and 3.5% commission on items that are sold.

Now I just have to come up with a name. I was thinking Itty Bitty knitting after my lovely pet or Blue knitter . While thinking about this I was also thinking that part of the items that sells I would donate a percentage to a help a family in the community or animals as I am an animal lover.. hmm..

Does anyone have any idea about name that I should use.. Well I just have to wait and see what options that I have. It will be an extra income for me. Right now that would be a good thing..

Give me suggestion..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Traffic Light vs. St Cloud MN Driver..

Everyone knows the basic logic behind the traffic light..

Red means Stop

Yellow means prepare to stop coz the light is going to be red soon

Green means go..

In St Cloud MN, the logic of traffic light does not apply..

Green does mean go here

Yellow drive a little faster

Red.. Go faster don't stop.. If you knock someone who cares..

The outlook of stop light here in st cloud is never good and the cops don't do anything about it.. Oh well that is life I guess..

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lunch Menu

I have to cook tomorrow.. Yikes.. Hey I love cooking but someday I wish I could just eat out.. Anyways Tomorrow Lunch & Dinner Menu...

I am thinking about either having to do Pot roast, Roast chicken or Beef Stew.. Hmm.. still thinking.. Yes I have all the ingredients to make Beef Stew.. I guess with the weather going to be rainy and cold, It would be just perfect..

My recipe...

1 Large Onion Cube

4 Stalk of Celery

2 cups of Carrots

2 cups of potatoes

1 can of stewed tomatoes ( only if you like them in there)

1 Stew Mix

1 lbs Cube tenderloin beef

2 tbs flour

2 tbs veg. oil

4 cups of water / chicken stocks

Firstly, coat the beef with flour and brown the beef, once it is brown put in the mix with 4 cups of water, the put all the veg in the pot and let it cook for 30 minutes until beef is nice and tender.

So easy have to do this and keep for later too...

Catching up...

I am very lazy now days.. I am not doing nothing much. I have been knitting a lot making dishcloth. I am hoping that I could get my stash of cotton skein down to zero.. but it is not working. I did turn 31 this month. Nothing much change there. I did have a wonderful birthday and also the weekend party with my friends..

I had a blast there. Met my friends new kitten Lilo.. yeah she thinks that she is a tiger.. Cute little cat, I hope that she gets her claws pluck.. no offense, it hurts when they claw..

I have been mooching books again. I have tons of books here at home and no one is mooching back from me.. Maybe our interests aren't the same.. I have been thinking a lot, maybe I should start my own business but what would it be.. I am not really good at anything at all except reading and mailing crap away..

Last month I had a garage sales.. The profit for selling junk was not bad.. I made $150 and the stuff that I didn't sell ended donating to the Lupis Foundation. I thought that if i don't need it why keep the suckers...

Anyways, I am open to Ideas from friends on what i should do.... I have to think of a better way to make money and also not work to hard.. Really working it overrated.. You should be able to do something that you like and make do with what ever you have.. Give input k..

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Counting Down

I am counting down the days now, In 3 days I will be turning 31. Yes, I am that old. I don't really have much to say and do. I don't really have a goal right now. I wish that I did. Maybe someday I will. I am trying to fill my days with something to do but I have not foind anything.

I am trying to find new patterns to make with my wools. I love buying them but don't really know what to make with it. Anyways, I have my little break and I have to think on what I want to do...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Attending to my blog

I have not been blogging for a while.I have been lazy and tired all the time. Nothing new is going on here. I am still working out of town and I hate the drive. I wish I could find something closer to home.

At this time I really hate working where I am working at. It is just not the same like the way it used to be. Being home during the weekend is not something I want to do.. My hand still hurts and it is not healing.

I want to find something I could do that i am not far away..Well I guess, I will try my best to do my blog as often as i can..

Need to Make Mulah!

Working out of town is not making me any money. I spend more when I am out there. I am trying my best to find something to do to make extra money. What can I do? I am dead bored with nothing to do right now, sitting in a hotel just sitting doing a whole lot of nothing. I wish I could just sit on my ass and make money..

Just something for me to think and come up with...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Help.. I am Bored

I am bored to death at work with nothing to do at all.. Nothing at all. I am paid to watch hulu and read a book right now.. It is totally annoying. I could be at home watching TV and taking naps or go fishing.. This is the worst as I am bored and bored and bored to death..

I have gone through the entire series of Human Target. I think Chris Chance is cute.. Body to drool over.. I have already read 4 of my romance books and I have all the work done for the next day..

What else to do but wait until 5.30pm so I can go home and do something more productive...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Working in the twin cities..

I am currently in the twin cities. Not something that I like. I mean it is close to home but I feel isolated here with nothing to do.. Anyways here are some of the pictures of the desk that I have to used.

This place is a dump!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I never have a chance to see any movies now as I travel to much. I decided to join Netflix.. The best decision I made so far. I get to see movies at home whenever I want and get new DVD in the mail.

Yes I did say Netflix and I am enjoying every minute of my shows that I pick to watch streaming through my blue ray players. I am hoping that way I am watching a movie as much as I want and when I want to watch it.

Right now I am watching Julie and Julia.. It is every interesting show. I can so relate to the show. Blogging and working a job that is not very interesting. I am watching and doing my blog at the same time.

I don't know if I could do what Julie is doing. Cooking recipes for 385 days.. I wish i could but that is why it is a movie and people like me watch it and dream about the day when my dreams come true..

Where in the world is me?

Where is me?.. Well Today I am working in the Twin cities and getting bored to death. I am not doing much here and getting my blog accomplish as I have been neglecting it. The chair is not very comfortable at all. I will only be here for 2 days..

On Wednesday, I am relocating back to Rice Lake, WI.. I will be back in the boondocks..

You heard me right. I did say the boondocks.. There is nothing to do there but work, go home watch TV and go to sleep..

New Niece

On Saturday July 10, 2010 at 10.37am, My sister-in-law gave birth to my new niece. I am not to sure what her name is as they have not decided. I knew the little girl was coming but was not sure when.. I am glad that the little cutie pie is okay.. My brother send me a text message and I was excited.

With all the travelling that I have been doing, I totally forgot to get the little munchkin stuff. So I went shopping to bought her a matching clothes and now I am going to quilt her a blanket and knitting her socks..

I am hoping that by this weekend I will get everything done and send the off.. I miss everyone already..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Missing my blog..

I have been every lazy of doing my blog. I just don't have the time to do it.. I just don't know why I don't spend the time just to write on stuff. I do a lot of things during the day and see a lot of things that I could blog on but i don't..

I wonder if it is depressions.. Hmm.. Well like i said so much to do and nothing else.. I am just lazy.. very very lazy.. Well I am going to end this now before i get everyone into boredom too...

4th of July..

The 4th of July was a blast. I had the longest weekend ever. On Friday 2nd of July, I went shopping as most of the mall have sales.. I love sales.Most of the shop have 40% to 70% off. Hey you can't beat the sales..that is the best time to shop...

I spend most of the 2 days shopping and buying stuff that I like. I tried to go fishing but it never happen as it was windy outside. Some of out tree branches at home came down.. I was glad it wasn't the tree..

I went to watch the fire works by our house.. I could have walk to the end of the street and watch it but decided to drive and stay in the car. Saint Cloud's fireworks this year was kind of unorganized.

The fireworks was supposed to coordinate with the music but it wasn't really. It started late because they were waiting for the lifeline helicopter to land and take off at the hospital.That is understandable.

When it did started, the music ended first before the fireworks. I took off home and had actually walk to the end of the alley way to finished the show. I just wish it was more organize. The music is just okay this year. It wasn't that spectacular..

Anyways, Happy 4th of July..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Jabberwoky.. I just heard that word today on the news. What is it? I did wonder it too. The news said it is just nonsense. The work came from a book Lewis Carroll (Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872). It is a poem.

I just like the word. It is different and interesting. I bet not many people know what it is. I thought i just put it out there as I like the way it sound... If you search the word Jabberwoky you will get the poem that Lewis Carroll wrote.

The poem is kind of weird but interesting. Have fun with the word..

Monday, June 21, 2010

Knitting socks 101...

I started to learn how to knit socks.. I am just excited about it. I decided to do it as I had a 50% coupon to buy something at the craft store. I love buying books when they are on sale. You can't beat that kind of discount.

So far I have been doing okay. I will put more picture and update on this page about it. For right now I have just put in stitches on the needles.. I will put some Pict's on here once I get more knitting going.. I am glad it is going okay..

Hopefully i will like knitting socks and could make some for other people...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The start of a new work day..

Yes it is Tuesday.. Monday for me just went by without a phase because most of the time I spend in the car driving to work from home..I did say home. I am working in Rice Lake WI, staying in the lovely Microtel Inn.

I am not complaining as I got my own room. It is just super Duper. I can't really knit at work here. I am just thinking on what to do.. I need to start my own business and be my own person I think. I don't even know if it would work.

I have plenty of ideas but I just need the push to do it. Anyone has any idea of what I can do so that I can stay home instead of working ..

Damn I am tired... The weather is raining here. and it is just annoying as i can't do nothing much..

Well I better start my work back and then post my working project on the blog later tonight...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tired and tired and more tired

Yes.. I wish I can just keep up and make time to do my blog. I am just a slow person for the last 2 weeks. I am still knitting but I am now making sweater.. Yes i am trying to make a sweater but not for me but for my little itty bitty.

He is just so cute...

Anyways the first sweater I am making and i hope that it will fit him. This is my first trial and error.. well wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Butterfly Dishcloth

Today I am starting my new dishcloth by Emily Jagos. All these patterns can be found on Emily Jagos Website . It is easy to follow and the picts are cute too.. I jsut started my casting of 37 stiches.. here is a pict of it...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Out Like a Lamb Dishcloth cont..

Continuation of my Out Like a Lamb dishcloth. So far I have been knitting now for 2 days. It is going okay for me. I am watching Hulu and doing the knitting at the same time and I took some pictures using my work camera. Hopefully I would get it all done by today. Anyways here are some of the pictures. I am currently knitting row 28 Not bad for a days job .. well I will continue to post as much as I can on the same on so that people don't get bored with me..

Here are some of the photos I took about 10 minutes ago...

Now I am at Row 40..

After a night of knitting I am at row 51...

The finished product...

Out Like a Lamb Dishcloth

I have just started on another dishcloth. It is called Out Like a Lamb. It is done on Blue Lily Sugar n Creme yarn. The pattern is by Emily Jagos. It is pretty easy to do.. Right now I am on Row 18.. It is going okay. Doing dishcloth is pretty easy. I am hoping that eventually I could learned to do other types of dishcloth that uses two different yarns. Maybe someone could show me how sometime.

Anyways, I am at work, I will have to take a picture of this knitting project and hopefully it will turnout good in the end. I will post more info on my progress tomorrow..

Stars Dishcloth

To my amazement I am knitting quite well now. After getting the doghouse dishcloth done there where left over yarn and I decided to make another one and its called star. It took me a day and a half to finished it. I have not taken any photos of it as I was busy cooking, cleaning and making food for the week. Anyways, I am at work today and starting on another dishcloth pattern.

I will eventually post picture of the star dishcloth (It will be this weekend) so that everyone can see it. I would like some opinion of what you think about it..


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Doghouse- dishcloth cont...

So today is my continuation of my knitting. So far it is going okay. I am just doing this during my free time. As I am going my dishcloth I found a cool website for all those who knit. It is called Ravelry. It is for knitters alike to post their work and stuff.

I have a post in there about my dishcloth I am making and my stash of yarns. Obviously I am not at home to update that since i don't even know that I have at home. Anyways, my knitting is doing really good.. Check out the photo I put in here. It is pretty cool I think.

I will blog more once I get my knitting done here..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Doghouse- Dishcloth

Today I have started and restart doing my doghouse dish cloth. I got the design from Emily Jagos on her website She offers a variety of design for you to do.

Anways I've jsut started my doghosue dishcloth, so far it is going okay. I used my new knitting needle size us7 (4.5mm). The color yarn I am using is sage green. I think it will be beautiful. Anyways here are some picts that i have. I took this one at work and will take the finishing product once i am done..

Monday, April 19, 2010

Knitting - Dishcloth

I just started my knitting again. As usual I lost my knitting needles thanks to the cat.. Yes I said the cat.. She is into stealing knitting needles making it her toy. So on Saturday I went to Craft Direct ( my fave place for crafting) to get a new needle.

Anyways, I got my needles and 2 skein of 100% lily sugar creme yarn to start my dishcloth project. I think I need to get a book on it too. I have been printing patterns of the Internet of Pict's i think i like to do. I am thinking doing this dishcloth for prezzie to give people.

Hey it is something you do from you heart and i think it would be a great gift. I am looking into buying softer cotton yarn that could be used as washcloth for babies and ppl..

more to come soon..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spending a day with a friend...

On Tuesday, I went to visit a friend of mine in Houston. Sohrab have been in Houston TX for the last 10 years. It was a good visit.

I met him at Galleria. It is a hip and happening place.Basically is it like shopping in int luxuries shopping mall. I was told by my Friend that Galleria is one of the oldest shopping mall they have there.

WE spend about 1 Hrs together. We went to eat at Madeline. It has a really nice puff pastry with mushroom sauce. It was one of Sohrab's fave places. Anways We caught up on old stuff and talking about people that we know.

It was an enjoyeable day to me..

A Day downtown Houston / Galveston Texas

The very next day (saturday March 27) was a very tiring day. My Brother had a lunch date with his officemate so We went downtown Houston to check the city out as my parents have not been there before. I don't even think that my brother in law knows where we were going.

Anyways, we ended up at the Visitor center seing a movie about the city and also bougth some magnets for some friends n mom.. I took a picture of a building with a reflection of a cloud in it. I think its pretty cool.

That day my sister and I walk to hard rock cafe and I got myself a t-shirt. It is a cute fishy design by Bono..

After being in Houston for 1 hour, we drove to Galveston Tx... Yeah Ron (my bro-in-law) drive's like a nut.. Changing lanes without signals and doing not a whole lot. when we eventually got there we only saw old buildings.. nothing but old and alot fo abandon houses. I surely did not take any pictures but my dad n brother did.. Hope that you enjoy it..

Travelling to Houston, Texas

Friday 3/25/10 I started my day in St Cloud, MN going to Houston, TX to visit my family and friends. I was so excited to go that day. My flight didn't leave MSP till 1.34pm. Anyways, I start going to the airport early thinking that you need time to check-in and also go through security.

We left at 9.30 am as I had errands to do that day before I leave (going to the bank n making sure that everything is paid including rent)all said n done We were on the road to MSP at 10.00 am.. I thought that I would be there at about 12.15 pm.. No.. speedy (me) got us there at 11.00 am sharp. (Darn, need to slow down sometime)..

Since we had time to kill, I decided that We should go shopping. (I keep saying we because I brought Rick with me to take the car back!)We went to MOA(Mall of America) to do some last minute shopping.. When I say last minute.. I really mean it last minute..

I went to Pandora got my niece Ilham a bunny charm and I also bought some make-up for myself..All said n done, We got out of there about 12.10 pm and got to the airport on time much to say about the damn plane!!

Yup here me waiting n hungry.. Did I mention Delta don't serve food during a 3hrs flight.. Yup, I was hungry.. The flight to Houston got called at 1.15pm for boarding. It was a full flight... My seat wasn't so great! I got the last seat at the back of the plane by the bathroom next to a window.. (I like Isle seat)

After everyone board the plane was on the runway and the pilot went on the speaker.. " Ladies n gents.. I am sorry to inform you that we are experiencing a technical difficulties.. we have to taxi back." In my brain.. god dammit.. There is always a problem with the plane!..

It took them about 1 hrs to figure that they can't fixed the problem and let us out to get on another plane. While waiting at the terminal they said that we are now waiting for a new crew as the old one the hrs has expired.. Hmm I wonder how hrs can expire don't' u?

Yup my trip was an exciting one and once said and done I got to Houston TX at 6 pm. hungry n tired....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Worm Composting..

Ever hear about worm composting? Well yesterday while I was browsing around about recycling, I saw something about worm composting. I am very interested in it as it seem that worm can cut down waste that we have at home.Cut down waste means less money spents on throwing garbage and creating less carbon gassess..

I am seriously looking into doing this as it would benefit me more.. The bins that are sold on-line cost a pretty penny but I read that i would pay for itself... I go fishings quite a bit and that means i could use some of these worms for fishing and not waste money!!..

My Idea was that instead of buying the "worm factory" for almost $100, I would try to built one.. Hmm.. I don't know if it is going to work. If I don't try I won't even know. I am going to built the worm composter using planting totes as you can get this at the local garden center and it would be cheap and save money.

The next thing to think about is the worms.. I am not to sure where to get them. I read that not all worms can do compost.. Its only the red wriggler and some english nightcrawlers.. I think.. I might have to find them online or something.

I might give the freecycle group a try and see if anyone there is doing worm composting and maybe they could part with some worms for me.. Its just and idea.. I think by me doing this worm compost I would be able to used the little cute wormy to compost my important mail and junk mail and also scraps from the kitchen.. Yum!

This will be an on-going project for me as I am leaving for Houston, Texas this friday. Vacation for me and another day and thought about my worm compost idea....

Counting the days..

Yes.. I am already counting the days to my vacation.. I just can't wait for the day I don't have to be at work. Yup, my body might be here but my brains had check herself out last Saturday.. I just cant wait to see my family and be spending time with them.

I still have so much to do before I leave.. I need to find my summer clothing that are reasonable to wear around my Conservative parents which means that no short sleeves and also no short shorts..

Darn it!.. I just have to wear the clothes that I go fishing with.. I don't wear sleeveless shirt and also I don't wear short just in case I get the sunburns.. (not that i don't)..

Well I am looking out our garage door here and looking at the UPS building. They always have popcorn there.. Don't know why but they do.. Well another sunny day in Mankato.. and my mind has check out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yes, I am at work in Mankato.. Found a camera in one of the drawers there. See the nothingness of nothing from where i sit.. Let just say I am just waiting and hoping that something happen here soon.. It is pretty boring again.. Anyways.. I thought I will post picts of what i see when i am up here as there is nothing else to do right now..

If I was a hunter I want to be here now hunting all the geese that I see in the evening.. Well I have to get back to work and see what else is there to do..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Travelling to Houston, Texas...

I am counting my days to vacation.. My brain is already there. I really need a break from this hellhole i am in.. Seriously!!.. Right now i am looking into places to take my parents to eat.. Our family outing usually consist of eating out.. I am excited to see the new niece..

My sister said she is friendly.. we'll see how that goes.. So far for my 8 days stay there.. I am sure to visit Niko Niko restaurant. Looks like they have a really good selection of food. Humus is a must as my daddy likes to eat that.. I am just looking into buying seafood and eating them up!..

This will be an experience not to forget at all.. I am sure will be going to the tunnel covered shopping area.. I am looking at the menus of the other restaurant and see nothing interesting. I think I am going to make some calls to my friends down there and see if there is a really good place to eat and places to see and do..

Boring day at work..

Yes.. I am at work and doing nothing.. can you believe it. I thought I will just write something here. I am on the laptop, on facebook playing farmville. Darn, I should be doing work but my brain is on Vacation mode.

It is nice n sunny outside. which the day's are not to windy.. I never look forward to the drive down to Mankato, MN as I have to leave early at 4 am to get here by 7 am.. It is about 4.40 pm right now and we are currently working 12 hours days.. can't wait till it ends..

I am tired bored and waiting for the damn computer to get done plowing on farmville so that I could do more stuff.. Yeah, like I have more things to do.. All i want to do is go out and stay in the sun..

I think I am getting a headache from staring at the PC for a while here.. Might just go outside take some nice sunny Pict's and post it.. I don't know.. I am kind of lazy.. well here I go.. brb..
I am back with a picture of the nice beautiful sky.. Pretty nifty.. very very windy out there...
Well better get back to work before someone See's me doing my blog and decide that it would be fun to read everything i write in here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday.. with no PC..

Here I am sitting at work working without a computer. I am on a borrowed time and hoping that no one see me using the "no no pc." Anyways, it is boring with nothing to do over here today.. I am just looking around and finding that I am by myself doing nothing but surfing the web.. checking my face book account and also playing games..

This place is creepy as hell.. I hear noises but there is no one here.. I keep turning my head hoping to not get caught as I don't have a computer. On Monday when I got to work and tried to turn my laptop on it just Errored out..Here me scrambling trying to get payroll done and can't do nothing at all.. At 7 am, I decided to used the "No No PC" to get everything done before the other people get's in.

I share this office with another company and they own the other computer. I am in luck that I had it all done before they came back. Right now everyone is gone and what else am I going to do. I had a book to read but it got to boring. I have ton's of work to do but I can't... I am just sort of dilemma.. I think I better cut my losses right now before everyone comes back..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Travelling to Rice Lake Wi

I am so slow at posting anything on my blog. I just take my time to do things. I recently travel to Rice Lake, WI. I never thought that the town is very small. It does not have anything much in the town.

I stayed at the Microtel Inn. It is beautiful place. I am glad a a girl. I got my own room with a king size bed and also a nice siting area. Our new office used to be a techinical research center. It has a lot of rooms and area that are breakdown into parts that we don't really used.

It is just wierd how the setting of the place is. Anyways, driving down there fro 3 hours was not the fun part as all you can see is farm after snow covered farm..

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Years resolutions..

Have anyone met their new years resolution? I didn't even do one this year. I figure that if i can't even complete it last year. How is it even going happen this year!. Damn, I do need to loose some pounds and I don't even know if i have time to do it....


My life consist of a suitecase and my laptop and also the car that i drive around. I think I live out of my suitecase. For the last 2 years, I have been travelling and at home for only 3 days and 2 nights. It that a life to do..

I am seriously thinking that i should find something better for a job that would take me home and that i don't have to spend my weekend doing laundry and cathing up on sleep. Is this job and travelling worth it.

Sometime i think it is and sometime it is not as i feel that I get to see places that i have never dream to go and people that i meet but i am missing that fun speding time with friends and family. I just have to think and find something better then this work!