Bookmooch I found another good web about going green for books. This is place where you can exchange your books and get a new one. Going Green baby.
How this website work is that, you put your books by its ISBN number. For each book you put you get 0.1 points. once you get 1 point you can mooch from other moochers. Basically, you only for postage when you mail the book.
I think it is a great deal. I have received so many books from them and recycle the book back to people who wants to read them. I usually make sure that books are in good condition so that other readers can enjoy the book that I have read. vice verse.
I just love the website. You can used anywhere in the world. It is global. If you are an avid reader like I am, I would suggest that you join the group. It would save you a lot of money from buying books new.
Time to say goodbye...
I've had this blog for a while - and I probably won't ever delete it, so
as long as Blogger exists, the blog will still be here to track what I used
to ...
3 years ago
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